Why Direct Booking With Us !

You get better value by booking direct
Always on the lookout for the best deals? You’re guaranteed to find them with us.
There’s no need to spend hours browsing and comparing what the various booking sites have to offer. Just book your room directly on the danubiushotels.hu website. On our website it’s not only quick and easy to arrange your hotel accommodation, but you also get the best deal, personalised to suit your specific requirements.

Why pay in advance if you can pay at the hotel?
Why pay for your booking in advance, when you could do that at the hotel?
Some agents make you pay for your booking in advance, but you can avoid this by booking direct with us. For our early booking deals and a few special offers, some of our hotels may request advance payment to guarantee the booking.)

We charge no booking fees whatsoever!
We really need to help everyone to get his booking done, and to make you feel truly welcome right from the start, we can assure you that we don’t charge any kind of booking fee or other costs in connection with the booking.